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Paydesk has 2 analysts in Praia. Our analysts, usually professionally trained journalists, can perform: competitive analysis, economic analysis, industry and sector analysis as well as background research.
Our top analysts in Praia are Ângelo Semedo and Eugenio Teixeira.
Use our analyst directory to find a member to work for you.
Analysts in Praia
Ângelo Semedo
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Ângelo Semedo é um jornalista multimédia que gosta de contar histórias inspiradoras e de dar voz a quem não a tem.
Acredita que um jornalismo exercido de forma independente e objetiva é uma arma poderosa contra a opressão, injustiça e desigualdade social.
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Video Package (Web / Broadcast)
Audio package (Radio / Podcast)
Vox Pop
Current Affairs
Science & Environment
Eugenio Teixeira
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Eugenio Teixeira is a journalist based in Praia, Cape Verde.
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United States of America, Taiwan, Afghanistan, Norway, Lebanon, New Zealand, Seychelles, India, Jordan, Algeria